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For more information, contact:
Kim Curtis, BS, CSAC, CPRS
Systems of Care Region III Task Lead
Intensive Care Coordinator
700 University City Blvd
Blacksburg, VA 24060

Our wraparound vision at NRVCS is to create communities that will partner together for the common goal of supporting at-risk youth and their families by building upon strengths, believing in family voice and choice, and providing resources and services needed.

We also aim to provide:
• A trained facilitator to guide the wraparound planning process.
• A Family Support Partner to help prepare you for team meetings and also provide guidance throughout the process from their own life experiences.
• Teaching families the skills to meet their own needs.
• Celebration for EACH success!
• And … Preparation for YOU to reduce or eliminate the role of service agencies in YOUR family’s life!

What is Intensive Care Coordination (ICC)?
Family and Youth Voice and Choice ICC is a team planning process to help children and their families realize their hope for a better life.
Planning is based upon the perspectives of you and your family. Your selected team members strive to provide options and choices so that the plan reflects your values and preferences and also builds upon what you already do well!

The Basics:
You, along with the NRVCS ICC staff, will organize a team and make decisions together.
YOU will …
1. Identify your family’s strengths and needs.
2. Brainstorm ideas to meet those needs
3. Meet in a convenient manner
4. Evaluate whether YOUR plan is getting the results or outcomes YOU want.
Your wraparound plan will change throughout the process based upon your family’s needs. Don’t worry … you will NOT face these changes alone.