Prevention Resources: Bullying & Cyberbullying“Bullying is when someone repeatedly and on purpose says or does mean or hurtful thingsto another person who has a hard time defending himself or herself.”– Dr. Dan OlweusRESOURCESWhat is Bullying? (PDF file)Olweus Bullying Prevention Program Internet Safety 101: Cyberbullying Resourcesstopbullying.govSafe Schools: Hot Topics – Bullying PreventionHow to talk to your children about bullying Bullying Resources for Educators and Parents5 Ways to Prevent Bullying in Your Classroom INTERACTIVE LEARNING ACTIVITIESClassroom Toolkits & Activities for EducatorsRECOMMENDED LITERATURE ON BULLYING PREVENTION 11 Children’s Books About Bullying, Teasing & Empathy Standing Up to Bullying: Children’s Books to Build Social and Emotional Skills National Bullying Prevention Center’s Recommended BooksShare this:FacebookX