Listening to youth voices
Representatives of the Giles Youth-Adult Partnership met with students at Giles High School in November 2024 to collect feedback about issues impacting them and their peers. (Photo – M. Wade/NRVCS)
Local community prevention coalitions
continue to grow under NRVCS’ leadership
Like most communities these days, the challenges and needs of those who call the New River Valley home seem to be ever-changing. While the core mission to prevent and reduce substance use among youth remains a cornerstone of their work, the region’s five community prevention coalitions are also evolving to more broadly address the overall wellness of their respective jurisdictions.
Community prevention coalitions include representation from various sectors of the community, including service agencies, school administrators, government officials, business leaders, and interested citizens, among others. NRVCS is the lead agency responsible for coordination of all five coalitions, which include the Floyd County Multi-Disciplinary Team, the Giles Youth-Adult Partnership, Montgomery County Prevention Partners, the Pulaski Community Partners Coalition, and the Radford Youth-Adult Partnership. Each of these groups meet monthly.
Although their approach may vary, the five coalitions share common areas of focus: youth mental health, prevention/reduction of underage use of nicotine products (including vaping), prevention/reduction of underage cannabis use, and increased public awareness of polysubstance use.
“Having been a member of the Pulaski Community Partners Coalition (PCPC) for many years, I value the partnership of the area non-profits who work to improve the well-being of our communities,” notes Sally Warburton, Director of the Pulaski County Library System and PCPC Treasurer. “Together our service is multiplied and with the leadership provided by NRVCS, we are able to collaborate to provide more efficient and effective services.”
“The local MD Team has been a helpful resource in sharing information and raising awareness about important topics,” says Dr. Jessica Cromer, Superintendent of Floyd County Public Schools and a participating member of the Floyd County Multi-Disciplinary Team. “Their outreach efforts contribute to the supportive network we strive to build for our students and families in our community.”
“It is a privilege to serve and collaborate with such dedicated community partners as what we have with the Giles Youth-Adult Partnership (GYAP),” adds Stephanie Spencer, a Community Health Educator with Carilion Clinic and Vice-Chair for GYAP. “…Together we address the identified needs of our population and strive to improve the health and wellness of our community.”
Spencer continues, “Actively working together to educate and nurture our community creates an environment that doesn’t just grow…but thrives!”
To learn more about the New River Valley’s community prevention coalitions or to join the mailing list for your local coalition, contact Mike Wade at mwade@nrvcs.org.

Members of the Pulaski Community Partners Coalition gathered with community members for a Red Ribbon Week “Service of Remembrance” on October 30, 2024. (Photo – M. Wade/NRVCS)
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