By Mike Wade | NRVCS
A free screening of the award-winning documentary, Audrie & Daisy, will be conducted on Saturday, September 21 in Radford. Viewing of the film will be immediately followed by a panel discussion that will be facilitated by local experts and professionals. The event, which is open to the community, is part of local efforts designed to call attention to issues of both sexual assault and suicide prevention.
September is recognized nationally as Suicide Prevention Month.
The Women’s Resource Center of the New River Valley and the New River Valley Suicide Prevention Collaborative are co-sponsoring the screening and discussion, along with NRVCS – who will be hosting the event at its Radford Center (401 W. Main Street). The film will begin at 2:00 p.m. and the panel discussion is expected to conclude at 4:30 p.m.
Audrie & Daisy examines the ripple effects on families, friends, schools, and communities when two high school students – from different parts of the country – both experience crimes of sexual violence. Officials note that the goal of sharing the film is to open a community-level dialogue about sexual assault and suicide prevention.
This screening is recommended for educators, professionals, coaches, and parents or guardians.
“We are in a new frontier of parenting in this digital age,” notes Stephanie Bryson, Community Engagement Coordinator for the Women’s Resource Center of the New River Valley. “There is little foundation for how to help young people navigate the social pressures of sexting and to discuss with them about how social media is a place where sexual violence is often perpetrated.”
“Past generations lack the language because we weren’t parented in this era,” Bryson continues. “For example, I can’t call my mom up and seek parenting advice from her on how old she thought I should be before allowing me to have a social media account or to have a smart phone.”
Suicide is among the leading causes of death in the United States. Recent national surveys have shown that rate of suicide has increased significantly in certain populations, including girls and women.
Those who attend will receive a free card for Dominos Bread Twists, along with being entered to win a raffle for a Dominos gift basket worth $250 – containing 12 large pizza gift certificates and other items.
You can register for the screening and panel discussion at